


在太平洋自从: 2006

Mark P. 打出的06年, '09, PharmD, 博士学位, CTH earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in biology from University of California, 洛杉矶(UCLA). He earned his doctor of pharmacy and doctor of philosophy from 正规博彩十大网站. Dr. Walberg joined the Pacific faculty in 2009 and brings a wealth of experience as a community pharmacist and an infusion/oncology clinical pharmacist.

As a Regional Coordinator in the Los Angeles area, Dr. Walberg assists with community and advanced community rotations through discussions on immunizations, travel health and oral oncology medications. In this role he oversees practice sites where students have the opportunity to volunteer for an underserved community.

His goal is to share his knowledge with future pharmacists and healthcare providers so they can better the lives of their patients. He also believes there are many misconceptions regarding vaccine-preventable diseases and that it is very important to correct any misinformation.

Dr. 沃尔伯格在, 也是一名教员培训师, the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) 药店-Based Immunization Delivery Certification Training Program. He has also completed the APhA 药店-Based Travel Health Services Certification and holds a Certificate in Knowledge in Travel Health® from the International Society of Travel Medicine. To pass on the knowledge he has gained in these areas, Dr. Walberg offers online elective courses in advanced immunizations and immunology, the history and future of vaccines and travel health/medicine.

作为正规博彩十大网站的一名学生. Walberg was inducted into the Gamma Nu chapter of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity and has served as a Regent and the chapter's Grand Council Deputy. He is a member of the International Society of Travel Medicine and the American Public Health Association. He is also involved in the Rho Chi Honor Society and Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership Society.

Dr. Walberg enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters. Outside of the University he is an active member of Living Oaks Community Church and a small group leader. He likes spending his time hiking and camping in the Sierras. He also enjoys visiting Kauai and exploring California's wine country. His interests include archery; he was on the collegiate team while a student at UCLA. He also has been an ice hockey coach and can drive a Zamboni.


BS in Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, 2001

MA in Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003

PharmD, 正规博彩十大网站, 2006

博士学位 in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, 正规博彩十大网站, 2009


“作为一名教育工作者,我的目标是双重的. First, I focus on helping students understand the fundamental principles of a discipline or topic. The majority of my core science education focused on learning basic principles and the application of these principles through Socratic lecture styles. This experience has given me a great appreciation for learning and that learning is a lifelong process. It has shown me that once students are able to not just memorize, but instead comprehend and utilize basic fundamentals, they will be more likely to remember the information taught and be able to apply it in the real world.

Second, I emphasize practical, real-world application of knowledge. We have more information at our fingertips than ever before in history. And yet the information itself is almost worthless without the knowledge of how to apply it to the patient or situation at hand. Students are not always interested in learning something just for the sake of learning. 为了解决这个问题, I make sure I can justify to them (and myself) the "why" behind the concepts and information that I teach them. When I explain a concept as both a teacher and a clinician that has seen and treated this disease or explained this concept to a patient about their child's drug therapy, 这对学生来说是真实的."


"I try to help people afford their medications and get any vaccines they need. Ideally this will help people not get sick or be able to take the medications to treat any diseases they have."


  • Patient 成本s and Plan Variability Associated with 医疗保险 Part D Prescription Drug Program
  • Enhancing Vaccine Uptake in Underserved and Under-Immunized Populations


帕特尔拉, 打出的议员,仝E,谭富,刘美乐, Woelfel JA, Carr-Lopez SM, 加拉是SM. 成本 variability of suggested generic treatment alternatives under the 医疗保险 Part D benefit. J管理式医疗药房. 2014;20:283-90.

Woelfel JA, Carr-Lopez SM, Delos Santos M, Bui A, 帕特尔拉, 打出的议员, 加拉是SM. Assessing 医疗保险 beneficiaries' willingness-to-pay for medication therapy management services. 顾问药剂师. 2014;29(2):104-9.

打出的议员. The risk of Guillain-Barre Syndrome following influenza vaccination. 药物的话题. 2013年9月,157(9):39岁,55. (亦载于《正规博彩十大网站排名》. 2013年9月,48 (9):303.)

打出的议员. 给 it your best shot: Four simple tips for vaccinators. 药物的话题. 2013年8月,157 (8):34-37.

帕特尔拉, 打出的议员, Woelfel JA, Amaral MM, Varu P. 医疗保险 Part D Roulette: Potential Implications of Random Assignment and Plan Restrictions. 医疗保险 & 医疗补助研究评论. 2013;3(2):E1-E14.